Thursday, September 13, 2007


For those who practice, I wish you Ramadhan Mubaarak.

Here some bizzare pseudoscience story making news last week (I think):

That a family somewhere in Malaysia had her cat gave birth to four kittens and a puppy - it was shown on tv3 prime news as "pelik tapi benar". I almost died out of anger.

How could one just honestly believe such a thing could happen? Something must be wrong with our science. TV programes (and all other media) are now promoting things that are leaning to pseudoscience. Bigfoot (my foot!) and this cat-gave-birth-to-a-rotweiller are just some of the few.

And I remember last semester, when a student whom I saw presenting was telling me that a seahorse is not a fish, but a horse!

Pay attention, you might be asked in my class!


1 comment:

minmin said...

Erm.....actually not only TV. The newspaper also reported wrong msg to the reader. The male frog sitted behind the female frog and want to fertilized the eggs but the newspaper report that the frog mother carried the young frog at the back and produce eggs. What can i say? The sad thing happened to me is when i say it to my mum and my mum say the newspaper is true, i am wrong!!!