Friday, September 28, 2007

Klias Fish (Harnitta)

We know some species of fish from Klias as follows:

Betta sp (at least 2 species, B. akarensis and B. chini)
Channa sp (C. melasoma and C. striatus - but you need to do a deep taxonomic work on the striatus - learn all meristics and morphometrics of this species, this will help you)

Anabas testudineus
Ompok sp (undetermined species - I think there are more of this group)
Puntius johorensis (first record for Sabah)
Clarias sp (several species)
Nandus nebulosus (there might be another species - type was found in Sandakan)
Trichogaster sp (at least 2 species)

And several others that are all interesting.

I think, we need a strategy because some groups might need proper attention. The Clariids, Silurids and Anabantids (Bettas) are the most important groups. I suggest that night fishing using finer nets and three-pieces gill nets will produce most of the interesting fish. Also, because we will spend the night in the swamp, a frequent check at night will reduce many casualties and unnecessary damage to some fish.

It will pay to preserve them as quickly as possible - and I specifically refer to the stomach contents.


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