Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Bats group (and many other things)

Dear Dr. Hamid,

Last week, Agos, Ehsan, Nurul and myself went to Gomantong..doing some site survey and arranging a few things with SWD people there. Everything goes well..except on the way back, our transport (a rented Rusa) had "tabrak" a lori, which front of it. None of us was injured, but Agos is not in good shape..(he's the driver during the incident), and i had to pay for ketuk balik keta..

and this week, i'm in Danum, to get ideas on how to do my work in Sukau and Gomantong. If you remembered, Dato Noramly n i was granted a permit to conduct a research on Orthoptera in Canopy in Danum V...

Apart of this things, hope u had received my email. C U soon.

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