Thursday, October 4, 2007

Secondary Data

Dear dr,

(Marlina, norafiza, yene, and izwan) said.......

about the secondary data that u asked us to get from Sabah Wildlife Department. last tuesday, we made an appoinment with Puan Jumrafiah, and she agreed to meet us at 11.00a.m. However, when we get there, she already left to Lok Kawi due to the unexpected business. we also tried to meet with En. Karim but still, he was not there. Somewhere in Sandakan if i'm not mistaken.
the another day, we went again to the library. try to look for the data about illegal harvestment but they were not there. Puan Azren whose incharged there said, we still need to meet Pn. Jumrafiah because she is the one whose exactly knows about those things.

about the sea tide table, we already have it...the data is based on k.kinabalu and Tawau area year 2007.

those we want to seek for your advice regarding this situation,....



Amid said...

Azren is right. Missing an appointment is one of the many frustrtions - but never expect things to fall into place easily. This the example of some of the things that makes a person a good person and a persistent person, full of preserverence. It's one of those days, if you know what I mean. Make another appointment next time and shen you finally see her, the feeling will be great.

Good that you have the chart keep it handy - the best thing is to have the chart for the month and laminate them. if now you have access to the library, why not spend a little bit more time there and read whatever is good for you now that you're one of the "wildlifers". Make some new friends.


letter_to_geiko said...
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