Wednesday, August 29, 2007

On Tamu Gadang and Supervision

Dear all,
I was listening to Datuk VC before he launched the Academic Expo yesterday. He was saying that some supervisors thretened their students i.e. whoever involve themselves in Tamu Gadang activities, the supervisors will cease supervising them.

Now, that's a foul-smelling threat!

However, I wrote an email to my students saying that they shouldn't wait until I decide to abandon supervising them. I was referring to my students who takes my advises in emails and in this blogs lightly. This is my way of supervising them, apart from our dedicated meetings or appointments. Therefore, I still mean it. It had nothing to do with Tamu Gadang.

Things involving student's activities (under the flag of Student Affairs) takes similar conditions - and I was referring specifically to Mohd Aiman whom I know is organising an international trip to Tarakan, Indonesia. Neither me or Hafiz met with him to discuss about his proposal before he actually presented. This is a no-no. I wrote a blog post to the effect mentioning about the trip to the Snake Island in October. Because Aiman is working in a tag-team with Cindy (a matter we agreed in Tawau), the team must be in a tag to get it to work, no two way about it. And I still mean it. Frankly, Cindy will be able to execute her work even without Aiman in the field, but for an undergraduate project, this will be a waste of resource. We don't have all the money for the luxury of individual projects. Also, time is not a cheap commodity.

Guys, I need to be grumpy coz' I'm getting old - but I promise that I will not be your grandfather!

Take care now.



aiman said...

Dear Dr. Hamid,

Im sorry for being Missing In Action before this. I had already finished my project to Tarakan. Now, im catching up things that i left. To be honest, i did not manage to complete the proposal before i went to Tarakan. But i will send it to you for your reading a.s.a.p. Those comment both of you and Mr. Hafiz and also Datin Maryati gave will be taken into account. During the presentation, i mention a lot about the snake. After being commented, i realize that i have to find more about the parasite and im working on it. But i will give you a copy of the proposal to be commented and i will improve it after getting all the comments. I guess everybody got time to improve the proposals from time to time, am i right dr.? Anyway, im looking forward to hear your advises and comments. Thank you for the recent advises.


Amid said...

I am not sure about what you have in mind, Aiman. The last date for
submission had passed, it was 27 of August. I will not be the one
reading that proposal as this will delay the submission.

Go see Dr bakhtiar quickly and talk to him.


aiman said...

yes, i do know the submission date. actually, i did not manage to finish it because i'm stuck with the chapter 2, literature review. i thought that i have to include the reviews made in the proposal. but certainly, that is my mistake. anyway, i will see dr. bakhtiar a.s.a.p. and thank you for your advice dr.
