Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Dear all,

Mr Ahmad Sudin needs 2 guys (blokes, not sheilas) to help him catching frogs in Klias swamps tomorrow night. This is voluntary, Zoo Negara needs some live specimens for SEAZA conference end of this month.

So, two blokes, please. If you are interested, Ahmad leaves tomorrow afternoon and you might be sleeping in one of the huts along the bridge - now completed through the swamp up to the village on the other side.



Amid said...

That's finished - no more offer fo frogging. Ahmad got loads of frogs, some even laid eggs in the tank! They are going off to KL today and will permanently become KL frogs - they will never come back to homeland.

peakling said...

This year's SEAZA Annual Conference will be held on 2nd-5th September, at KL. The theme for this year's conference is 'The Changing Faces of Zoos'.

I'm sure the frogs will miss their natural homeland so much :)

Amid said...

Well, they don't need to come back - all will be turned to pickle of some sort. The unforgettable thing about this is, Ahmad was tired of handling the process of transporting them. Fisheries Dept said it was Vet Dept' job. Vet said otherwise. Vet Dept said "kami uruskan haiwan sahaja" - and asked Ahmad to go to Fisheries Dept. I sincerely think they need to learn a little bit of basic taxonomy. At least they wil not identify frogs as fish!