Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Taming the wild cattle

Bunga, Salty, Yeoh and I left ITBC at about 10am Monday heading to Maliau Basin Field Studies Centre via Kimanis-Keningau-Sapulut Road. The view up the Crocker Range was stunning, I know Bunga and Salty missed it - they slept. We stopped briefly at Keningau and I bought something (which proved to be useless at least until today). The Sapulut-Merotai road is not too bad considering it is still unsealed. Journey, however, wasn't that cheerful. All three students of mine chosed not to talk (is language a problem?).

And there it was - not the cattle, but the logging activity - just next to the road. Clear underneath with some tall thin trees left behind, readily identified as binuang and laran, most of them.

Then there was the sound, some pebbles on windscreen - I looked at the side mirror, tyre was gone, like being peeled off the rim and sat like a dead snake by the roadside. The car stopped (it had to). It exploded and nothing was left that look anything like a tyre. And it was so hot.

Done with that - we continued and reach MBFSC at about 5pm.