Thursday, May 29, 2008

Industrial Training at KK Wetland Centre (KKWC)

Hi wildlifers~

I am having my Industrial Training at KK Wetland Centre (KKWC), also known as KK City Bird Sanctuary (KKCBS) before. It is my 3rd day here and it's my pleasure to drop by to share a little bit of my experiences. As a Conservation Biology based student, I am under supervision of an Environmental Education officer which we will give talk about KKWC, mangroves, as well as the biodiversity here to students, teachers and public. Besides talk, of course there will be Interpretative Walk to get closer with the real mangrove environment here. Today we have session for bird-watching. We have been briefed on methods, identification, etiquettes , etc. before we went to the mangrove area for bird-watching using binocular. I have saw many types of birds but only managed to identified 10 species such as Purple Heron, Little Egret, Intermediate Egret, Great Egret, and White Collar Kingfisher. One of the endangered species of birds in Asia, Lesser Adjutant Stork was seen here before. Besides, we were told that about 10 fireflies were brought from Klias by one of the IBTP's lecturer.

It will be a good experience for visitors especially who loves the nature. For all wildlifers who are interested to come, KKWC is open from 8am-6pm everyday except Monday.