Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Flooding in Klias

Harnitta & Nasirah (and Fairus & Hafiz),
I talked to Zul just now, water is still high and rain is still doing its bit. I think I will have to pass the Klias trip to F and H - I don't think I can handle this one by having to go to Serudong and Klias. It is OK if I don't go, kan?

What you guys need to do is to keep asking for news about water level from zul and decide to go.

I hope this can be done when the water is still high but low enough to take the party to the jetty at Sg Api-Api.

Zul's hp is 0198323371


Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Snake Island trip

Hi all,

If you can't find the tidal charts, there are 2 copies in IPMB - one at the Pejabat Am and another at the Boathouse.

Cindy - please prepare 20 sample jars filled with 5% buffered formalin to preserve your samples, plus 20 empty jars and a litre of formalin just in case you are able to get an abundance of biofouling samples.

Is there a tentative plan for 17 & 18 Jan? What time do we leave KK?



Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Klias Snake and other directive

This cute little serpent was captured in the swamp of Klias (Yes, where your toilet was!) near the last pondok. It was seen by Dr Fairus twigging itself as camouflage (apparetly, Fairus didn't care about his trick!).

I don't know what it is in Latin but it is only 8 cm and I think that is as big as it gets.

To Harnitta and Nasirah, one of the fishes we photographed from the fishermen was IDed as Clarias nieuhofii - a new record from Sabah! Your job now is to try your luck to find Clarias pseudonieuhofii!!!  

Clarias nieuhofii - it is different from all Clarias by having ventral, caudal and anal fins not separated.

The crockers, quickly find the latest tidal chart for 2008! We need to go to Beringgis and Klias soon!!!


Thursday, January 3, 2008

happy new yer

Hi guys!
Happy new year! January and February will be my busiest months yet - so guys, please keep me informed of things you want to do these coming two months.

I've had a good nice break and could have the looongest break I ever had, or at least if felt like a long one. Take it from me, if you wanted your break to be a long one, don't go anywhere. Eat sleep, eat sleep... Trust me, it'll be long.
