Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Dr., Feeza=Norhafiza(but this spel is wrong)=Norafiza(this is the right spel.)

Frog study in Iran?

Just a peek, and an interesting one, too.

There's an informal application by a PhD candidate to do biosystematic study on Bufonids in Tehran! Inasmuch as I'm interested to supervise, i will haveto admit, that this is one of the rare studies: on frogs from semi arid regions (more so, this is from the Middle East - and tehran!).

We'll see.


Snake pics

I was reading a "coffee table" book by Tommy Chang at VC's office this morning (while waiting to getting to see him - yes, I finally did).

There's a picture of a yellow lipped sea krait in the book, unfortunately was photographed on a rock in daylight. The shadow of the snake showed that it was in the sun!

Cindy and Aiman, you DON'T want to do this. A heated snake may either bite furiously or to your relief, die. That's why I proposed for the collection adn procesing be done at night. I did it. It was fun and you get loads of them.

Anna will scold you if she knows you catch the snake in the sun!



Hi! :)
Feeza, Ditto (name please), Cindy and Dr Pusha. Vanakkam!

Now, Norhafiza said that feeza is NOT her! So, Feeza, may I know who you are?


Monday, July 30, 2007


Dear wildlifers, (aren't we?)

This is my second posting to this blog to make things running and to feel that it is running. So, our guys are going to present Project I this week. I must say sorry to all my students that I will not be able to make it. I have met with Marlina, Norhafiza, Susan, Mary and Izwan. I have not met Azmi (aku tidak kira kau hensem ka tidak - you must see me!).

So, guys, basically you need to discuss with your advisors and SHOW them your ppt presentation. If you fail to do this, you're not ready for presentation and it will reflect on you guys.

I've told some of my students that Project I are:

a) Muka depan thesis
b) Table oc contents (of three chapters)
c) Introduction (not more than 5 pages)
d) Litt Rev - must include what is known, what is not known, arguments on other people's findings and critical evaluation of these findings. It must finally end with the question of why you would want to do this study and the justifications.
e) Material method
f) References - all references that are used to make these three chapters.

So there you go, guys!


Friday, July 20, 2007

Welcome to wildlifers blog!

Dear friends,
I have created this blog to assist communication between us. I am inviting you to join this blog as contributors and you can post communications immidiately and answer immidiately. For students, it gives me less excuse not to be able to "talk" or "meet" with you (and you are less with excuses, too!).

Because all postings will be made available to everybody in the group, we will be sharing a lot of information and it is my sincere hope that this will enhance our friendship and professional network, now and in the future.

Happy posting!
